27th of September 1971, time of birth 11:16 am!!!
Don’t understand? 27 =2+7 =9, September = 9th month, 1971= 1+9+7+1= 18, 1+8=9, 11:16= 11+16=27, 2+7=9. Total 9+9+9+9=36, 3+6=9.
Characteristics of number 9
Number 9 is the highest single digit number out of all 0-9. Being the eldest, it has a few responsibilities given by universe. It guards and protects family and friends. They are aggressive and impulsive at times, as their moods are swinging with time and atmosphere. They love to be loved, admired, appreciated and respected. Some of them may be humble, but I am sure that we all love to be loved and appreciated. They may get to their extremes at times (being highest no.) and might also get to extremely low (close to 0). Their taste of food and else is different from others. They may be raw in taste at start, but slowly they love and reform their taste. They can be good at debate and can often loose arguments for the sake of their relationships / friendships. They love taking risks and are highly adventurous in nature, so can dive, without knowing much about swimming or can go hiking without much of knowledge and gears. They hate to be called a novice or stupid, so can put their hand in almost any field, they are talked about. They are fast learner and easily adapt to harsh conditions with ease. They are able to connect to others very easily and are able to maintain their friendship with all. They hate making enemies, but love making friends, so their social circle is huge. They got a good memory for many things, but may forget a few, for example which they may need to be reminded often. They seem to be careless about self health and looks, but are very much concerned about their family and friends. They will go to extreme for helping their loved ones and even spend their last penny on others, but may spend miserable life, without or less spending on self. As a Universal gift, anyone who cheats them or hurt them gets a warning or later punishment by nature, but one who support or help them, gets extra leap from universe. Example= 9X5=45, 4+5=9. Anyone who cheats or try to hurt no 9 is lost and number 9 stays. However, 9+5=14, 1+4=5. This shows that whoever supports or helps no. 9, no. 9 gives in whole and dissolves to create a better other human. Number 9 people often love to travel, socialize and these things might irritate or bother other family members, but they usually live in their own world. They may be spiritual, helpful to needy, guide, mentor, saint, but for close friends and family members, they are just another person. Number 9 people may have to go thru several injuries, surgeries and accidents, but they survive in almost all. They may have to fight for their survival at times, but eventually, money, love and luxury comes to them by itself. They want everything to be at their best and would love to fly in best way possible, have best of houses to live, have best of food, best of attire etc. Still, they adjust and accept what they get. They are day dreamers and work hard to give the best to their family members or friends. They could be good advocates, good health practitioners, teachers, mentors, networkers, writers, leaders, fighters.
Vineet Jain (your Reiki Master) +91-9891776189