Reiki level 1 and 2 online workshop from Monday, 25th April 2022

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Fellow energies, I am grateful to you all for your continuous support, love and blessings. It is just because of you all only that I am able to improvise and modify myself everyday. Today, I am once again announcing my another Reiki workshop for Reiki level 1 and 2 from Monday, 25th of April 2022 till 30th of April 2022. The classes will be of one hour plus everyday for 6 days in a row. Both the workshops will start on same day, however, their time slots are different. Reiki level 1 will be starting at Indian timing 7-8 PM, Indian time, while Reiki level 2 time slot is 4-5 PM Indian time.

In Reiki level 1, you will learn and understand about the origin of Reiki, and the basic principles of Reiki. You will be taught and explained about Aura and how to get wishes fulfilled very easily from Universe. You will also be taught, how to feel Aura with your own hands and how do we shrink or expand it. You will also be taught the easiest way to keep the Aura expanding with a 24 hour commitment by myself. You will be then taught on how to scan any other energy with your closed eyes. Later in the class, you will be taught to cleanse and heal Aura of yourself and others in person. The soft copy / hard copy of Successful participants will be shared as required and accepted. The energy exchange for the class is INR 1818/- plus 18% GST, which comes to INR 2145/- The classes will be online, using Zoom.

In Reiki level 2, You will be given online attunement, taught Reiki three symbols Cho Ku Rei, Sei Hei Ki, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, how to use them in the outside world. These symbols will make you feel and use the power of these symbols and start distance Reiki healing. These both the classes will have a lot on live practical sessions, which will help you build your confidence and help yourself and your world out there. This complete course will also give you hands on training of Reiki tool L shaped dowser, which will help you do scanning of various animals. This tool will be provided to all participants on extra payment of courier charges. Those who are in or around Delhi, India, can collect this tool and their certificates in person too. The energy exchange for Reiki level 2 is INR 7777/- plus 18% gst, which comes to INR 9177/-. Payment for either of the classes can be made using Bank transfers, Gpay or Paytm at my mobile no., share on the site.

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Thanks, Reiki blessings, love, light to you all and yours.

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