Online Reiki Workshop for level 1

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Fellow energies, I am grateful to you all, for your love, support and blessings. I have already started my online Reiki Trainings once again and am pleased to announce another workshop of mine here.

Reiki level 1 workshop is starting coming Monday, 21st of March to 26th of 2022, time slot 5:30 pm to 6:30 om Indian Time. This will be a 6 day workshop, where I will be teaching one hour a day. The course content is as under :

What is Reiki?

Where does Reiki Originated?

What is Aura

Practical experiment to explains and feel self Aura

Aura Scanning

Aura Clansing

Aura healing

Chakra Meditation and self cleansing.

2nd way of Scanning, using colors and surrounding

Self healing

Touch healing

The energy exchange for this course is 1311/- INR and payment can be made using Gpay or Paytm at my mobile no : +919891776189

I would like to request you all to share this message among your contacts for it may benefit them.

Thanks, love, light to you all and yours.

Vineet Jain

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